October 29, 2014

8 Weeks

I'm at 8 weeks and officially sicker than a dog!
I am not sure why they call it "morning" sickness, because in reality it lasts all day and all night long. There are days when I get feeling pretty good around lunch time, but then when dinner rolls around I'm back to feeling crappy. I joke and say,

"It's the best reason in the world to feel like crap!"
But that really is the truth. I wouldn't give up my baby just to feel better, so I'll tough it out. Usually the only times that I throw up is if I gag on my toothbrush or something like that, but the past few days there is no knowing why I'll throw up... it just happens. Like this morning, for example, I was eating my eggs and toast and just felt out of nowhere that I was going to throw up... and I did. So the crappy part is there is no way I can finish eating when I just threw up BECAUSE I just threw it up. So I threw the rest away and had to make myself yet another breakfast. On Friday, I had to really get up the energy to make myself some lunch and immediately after eating the last bite, I was in the bathroom throwing it up.

I just cried.

We had our first doctor's appointment on Thursday, June 26th. They confirmed that my due date is February 4th, 2015. The first thing we did was get an ultrasound. That was one of the most incredible things I had ever experienced. It confirmed to me that there really was a baby in there even though it still didn't feel real. Shane was so cute because he had his phone out recording the whole thing and he kept moving back and forth between me and the two screens and asking lots of questions. I have never in my life seen him so excited. That made me feel so good and
I fell in love with him all over again.
The moment we got to hear the heartbeat was probably the very most amazing part. I gasped as I got emotional and listened to the quick thumping. Shane was absolutely amazed and got even more excited (which I didn't think was possible at this point). He again started asking a million questions and moving between me and both screens.

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